House For Rent In Damansara

Damansara is one of the most populated area and also the location is well positioned in Petaling Jaya area. Mutiara Damansara, Kota Damansara, Sunway Damansara, Damansara Uptown, Damansara Jaya are the examples of famous area in Petaling Jaya.

Such convenient places, many can rent the houses there. For example, D'Villa at Kota Damansara.
D'Villa has built-up 4,400sf fully furnished house for rent! Besides, the houses in D'Villa has very well done indoor design as well as greenery outdoor design that would make the guest envy. The location is just few minutes away from Sri KDU School, Segi College, IKEA, Ikano Power Centre and One Utama etc.
Rental fee is RM5,000. For more information, you may contact 016-2212279.

If you prefer somewhere near Damansara Jaya, there are houses there for rent too!

This is a built-up semi-furnished house with 2,250sf. Renovated double storey house. Besides having a beautiful design, it has an auto gate which is very convenient when it comes to rainy day. Other than that, it has a garden too! It's nearby KDU College and Tropicana City Mall as well as Damansara Uptown. Rental fee will be RM3,000. If you're interested, you may call up Don for more information. 017-3272788.

If you're having limited budget, there's always another alternative for you!
Built-up 1,300sf Semi-furnished house with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.Auto gate and aircond provided as well for you convenience. Rental fees is RM1,900. The area of this house is at BU4 which nearby you may find OneUtama, SMKBU4 and more. You can always ring Abdul to get more information regarding the house. 016-3887112

Can't find any houses that you want? No fear. You can always hop on to this website to look for houses for rent in Damansara.
There's many choices of houses. You can choose from bungalow to condominium to single-storey or double-storey. Besides, you may choose based on what facilities you want in a house. Contact numbers or email are under the details for you to contact them so that you get to know more information about the houses.

What are you waiting for? Quickly log on to the website for more information! :)