Rain Over Me

Don't know why this song just came into my mind when the rain was pouring in the evening. But just before I got home, mom and I caught the banner when we're on our way back. The banner was regarding cosmetics sales. Parked the car and step into SS2 Mall. Unfortunately, we two mangkuks didn't see the date properly. The sales start at 18th and today's 17th. Haha. Mom asked whether I wanted chatime since I haven't eaten anything besides breakfast. So I decided to order something new todayyy!! I ordered the chocolate one! :)


But I think I would still prefer roasted milk tea. Hehe. Oh right~! I forgot to mention that management class was cancelled today. When I'm already in the class. Damnnnnn...Used the extra time to study for the upcoming quiz instead. AND I skipped my lunch. Hehe. :P I think my stomach gonna spoil soon. Haih. 

A few days back I got a package. When I opened it up, it's a sample from Biore! :) It's a make up remover for eye & lip.

 Tried it everytime when I got back from college. And I tell you the effect was immediate! :D Fast! I don't need to use Q-tip to clean my eyes anymore. This is precise and fast. Good work from Biore! The sample giveaway was over already but you can always visit their fanpage and check out their latest updates! :) Oh right! Biore! Your sample bottle is really really CUTE!! I can't help but looking at it everytime. Hahaha!!

Nyahahaha!!! You will see tons of camwhore-ing pictures as you scroll down. :P Yes. I camwhore. For my very first time being so camwhore-ishhh. From the first picture till the second last, there's make up on. The make up is plus with eyeshadow. :) I took my time to practice. Mom said that my right blends better compared to the left. =.=''' Failed. Some of the pictures showing that I'm goofing around~~ Hehe. We can't be serious all the time right~~



The above picture has only foundation with eyeliner. Hehe. xD I think I should start the camwhore habit. Hahaha. *smile*

Oh right. First day of the month. And as usual, the cramp decided to hit on me on the very first day itself. It was left pain today but it wasn't comfy. I didn't eat dinner and I barely do anything productive today except camwhoring. =.= I just remembered that the ChocoMarvel (the sample that came all the way from Singapore) is still in the kitchen and I've decided to give it a try. At the same time, I could write a review about it. Talking about hitting two birds with one stone (In short, we called is as "lazy").
The sample pack that came from Singapore. It was a long story. The sample was only given to Singapore residence but I gatal went to try out my luck and filled in my Malaysia address. And poof! After few weeks, this thing appears in my mailbox! Lucky meee!! :D

 1. Pour the whole packet of ChocoMarvel into your choice of cup.

 2. Add 150ml of warm water and stirrrrrr~~

Oh look at the chocolate drink~~ So tempting~~
Trying out the drink and trying to smile but seems like I've failed to do so! Haha. My reviews on ChocoMarvel, it taste less sweeter compare to those chocolate drink. But it's really nice. I think it suits well for those who doesn't like to drink sweet drinks. This drink actually reduce the discomfort and it's really delicious!! Girls should really try it out!!! My one and only sample dah habis... =.=

See you guys soon~~ Byeeeeee